Just Like Sarah

by ObjectifiedBeauty

That’s so cool!  Is she safe to touch?

Oh yeah, you can touch her.

Wow, she’s so smooth.  Oh, haha, I just pulled her hand off!  And look at her face!  It looks like it’s just painted on!

Well, basically, that’s all it is now.

And we were able to do this to her just by having her take a selfie with your phone.  So when you do this to me, I’m going to look just like her, but like me instead?

You’ll look pretty much exactly like her, just with a different wig.

Her hair is a wig?  No kidding!  I wonder what she’s thinking right now.  She’s probably going to be pissed when she turns back!

Turns back?

Yeah, when we turn her back into herself.

Umm, that’s not going to be happening.

What do you mean?

What we did to her wasn’t temporary.  She’s just a mannequin, and that’s all she’s ever going to be now.

Wha...  I didn’t…

When we talked about this you said you wanted to see it used on Sarah before we did it to you, because she was the same size as you and you could just use her as your own personal mannequin.

Yeah, but I figured for just a day or two, as a joke!  Oh my God, Sarah, I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean for you to end up like this forever.  Is she OK?  What is she thinking?

She’s perfectly fine.  Well, sort of.  It happened so fast that she wouldn’t have known what hit her, and now her mind is literally as blank as her expression.

She’s completely gone?  So that’s what’s going to happen to me?

Honey, you’ll be like that temporarily.  So you’ll still have full consciousness.  And no, she’s not completely gone.  She still has a few basic sensations.

What are those?

She’s sensitive to being touched, dressed, and looked at.  Either herself or what she’s wearing.

So if none of those are happening?

Then she is basically completely blank.  But not right now.

Why not right now?

Well, we’re both sitting here looking at and talking about her, and you still have your hand on her wrist.

So, what does that mean?

She’s the focus of attention of two people right next to her.  That is pretty much heaven for a mannequin.  She’s basically been in a state of orgasm for the past five minutes.

Oh…  So when I…

When you’re temporary, you get aroused, but never to orgasm.

Would you…  Would you ever consider making me just like Sarah?

The End